Microgrant Applications open February 10th - March 17th!
Microgrant Information
The purpose of the 17STRONG Neighborhoods Microgrant Program is to serve the residents of Hamilton by providing materials or reimbursable financial support for programs, projects, or events that promote citizen engagement, enhance the beautification of the neighborhood, improve safety with in the community, or address neighborhood needs and aspirations.
Microgrant awards range from $500 - $2,500 and are awarded to any applicant or group of applicants chosen by the 17STRONG Microgrant Committee.
View frequently asked questions and examples from past grantees below!
Getting information out to our residents is essential to increasing communication in Hamilton. Find out more about our microgrant program newsletters, message boards, and more that help spread the word!
Creating safe, clean, and engaged neighborhoods sometimes takes some brick and mortar. Learn more about our microgrant funded structural improvements throughout the city!
Neighbors and neighborhood groups have had great success hosting events in their local parks or side-lots. From showing movies on the big screen to cultural celebrations, find out more about our successful microgrant events below!
Who can apply for a 17STRONG Microgrant?
Any private Hamilton citizen residing in one of our 17 neighborhoods, group of Hamilton citizens, or an established neighborhood citizen led organization.
What types of activities can a Microgrant be used for?
Microgrants can be used for activities that promote citizen engagement, enhance the beautification of the neighborhood, improve safety within the community, create economic development, and/or address other neighborhood needs and aspirations.
Can it involve multiple neighborhoods?
Absolutely! In fact, it is highly encouraged.
Can I apply for a Microgrant to beautify my yard?
Unfortunately, no. While we understand sprucing up individual yards/homes can have an impact on the overall appearance of the neighborhood, the Microgrants can not be used for individual property, charitable donations, alcohol, faith based activities, operational costs, items that will be donated/raffled/auctioned off, or political campaigning.
General Information
The purpose of the 17STRONG Neighborhoods Microgrant Program is to serve the residents of Hamilton by providing materials or reimbursable financial support for activities that promote citizen engagement, enhance the beautification of the neighborhood, improve safety within the community, create economic development, and/or address other neighborhood needs and aspirations.
Individual grant awards will range from a minimum of $500 up to a maximum of $2,500.
Applicants are encouraged to coordinate efforts of similar activities within the neighborhood or across neighborhoods; however, unique activities will be considered.
Applications will only be accepted from a Hamilton private citizen residing in one of our 17 neighborhoods, Hamilton City Schools, a group of Hamilton citizens or an established Hamilton neighborhood citizen led association. A non profit 501(c)3 with payroll is not eligible for grant application; however, non-payroll non-profit 501(c)3 is eligible.
All requests submitted will be in competition for funding.
Applicants may be asked to present to the Microgrant committee to explain their microgrant submission and answer any questions they have.
Applicants are encouraged to locate additional funding for their Microgrant. The ability of the applicant(s) to identify matching funds in its application may be a deciding factor in a recommendation to fund a request.
All applicants will be contacted by a Grant Ambassador once their grant request has been submitted.
Proposals must have citizen support. A signature sheet is provided with the microgrant application. The sheet must contain at least 12 additional household signatures from neighborhood residents with corresponding home addresses representing neighborhood(s) where the activity will be implemented.
You may be asked for clarification or submittal of additional budget quotes if necessary.
Grant funds cannot pay for personal property, charitable donations, alcohol, faith-based activities, operational costs, items that will be donated/raffled/auctioned, or political campaigning.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that any activity or program that is funded is in compliance with all applicable zoning, health, building or other codes and regulations.
Same lead/co-lead applicant may apply for multiple grants with a cap of $2,500.00 for the grant cycle year.
Itemized receipts or arrangements for funding must be submitted within 30 days of scheduled event, program, or project completion. Any questions related to funding can be submitted to Peggy Bange (peggy.bange@hamilton-oh.gov).
Any changes made to the awarded grant, must be submitted to the Grant Ambassador and approved by the 17STRONG Advisory Board.