“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

— Margaret Mead

Our Projects

Neighborhoods Initiative

One of the pillars of the Hamilton’s 2012 strategic plan was to create a sense of place. What came from the strategic plan’s goal was the formalized neighborhoods structure, 17Strong, and the city’s Department of Neighborhoods.

Historic and existing boundaries and names, from documents were sourced to come up with our current boundaries, including historical maps, writings, and development data. Public input was heavily relied upon in order to finalize the neighborhoods map.


The purpose of the 17 Strong Neighborhoods Microgrant Program is to serve the residents of Hamilton. This is done by providing materials or reimbursable financial support for activities that promote citizen engagement, enhance the beautification of the neighborhood, improve safety within the community, create economic development, and/or address other neighborhood needs and aspirations.

Love Your Block

The Love Your Block program provides two AmeriCorps VISTA members to work in city hall. Their duties will be to develop and implement a strategy for eliminating property blight in North End and Jefferson neighborhoods through home repairs, lot transformations, and community clean-ups.

Hamilton also received $25,000 for resources to support citizen led groups efforts to prevent or eliminate property blight.