Love Your Block Volunteer Sign-Up

Love Your Block (LYB) is designed to celebrate the front yards and porches of our homes. These spaces are important to community because it is where we most often engage our neighbors.

17 Strong believes a more connected neighborhood is a safer and cleaner one. LYB requires neighbors to collaborate on a joint application to improve the face of their properties, thereby bringing neighbors together.

Riverview - Saturday 7/16 from 8:30 am - 3:30 pm:

3 properties on Walnut St.

North End - Wednesday 7/20 from 1 pm - 7 pm:

3 properties on N. 7th St.

Types of Work to be Done:

Minor exterior home repairs and landscaping costs, visibly facing the public right of way and exclusively for exterior improvements, including but not limited to:

  • Landscaping

  • Minor exterior painting

  • Pressure washing

  • Overgrown vegetation